Friday, March 25, 2011

end the chaos.

Before I begin, I should preface this by saying that I there is a point to this blog. I am not simply ranting about my job, or complaining. There is a lesson, and I am in the process of learning it. Read at your own risk (seems I'm saying that a lot more frequently these days).

Most of the time, I say work is stressful. On most weeks, by the time Friday rolls around, I am thankful that I have two days off to rest, recuperate and spend time with my lovelies. Like most people, I have things about my job that I'd love to change. There are issues that I never can resolve fully, and there's always a few things that I leave hanging to finish on Monday, even though I hate to do it.

However, this week has been different than most. In most surveys, including CNBC and Career Cast, the public relations officer is ranked among the top 10 most stressful jobs in America. Firefighters top the list, and advertising agents are also included.

Lucky for me, I am in a position that combines public relations with advertising and I live with a fire fighter. Awesome.

Needless to say, I'm used to stress. I deal with it. I thrive on it. I stare stress in the face and keep going.

But this week, this week has been different. This week I have truly aged at least five years. Easily more. This week I have felt hopeless, valueless, frustrated, stuck, unheard, misunderstood, and down. This week has not been good.

So, today my prayer is this:

"Lord, lift me up. Send those eagles to lift me up and soar me through the sky, because you know that I am not able to fix this one. This whole situation at work is bigger than me. I am just asking you to resolve this mess. Fix this chaos. Please help me to see the larger picture. I know you've got a plan. I know that you are, always have been, and always will be in control and I fully trust that you will provide a way out of this crazy situation. Please don't let this affect my family, my friends, or my mental health. Help me to separate the work from our home. Father, Thank you for giving me a job. Thank you for giving me the ability and opportunity to provide for my family. Help me to be good at what I do, and help what I do to make me a better person, a better witness, and most of all, a better follower of you."

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