Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Still taking off...

Lately, I've had some pretty revelational thoughts about how I want my family to live our lives, and how I want to raise my kiddos. I feel like God is preparing Brad and I to have the kind of family that lives totally and completely for him. While sometimes it is a painful and challenging process to give our home over to God and His will, we are steadily moving forward. It is such a joy to be broken down and worked over by my King. 

Honestly, none of these thoughts are new or ground-breaking. They are simply issues that God has impressed upon me.  I need to be aware of these as I move forward and try to live my life for Him. My prayer is that God can keep showing me areas to work on:

  • I am not the most important thing. I know this is obvious, but it is SO hard to live by once you start a career, have a home, a family, and a social life. I want my life to be lived so that others are pointed in the direction of an almighty Savior. HIS KINGDOM IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Whether or not Porter has breakfast by 9am every morning, or whether or not every dish is washed at the end of every day, my God still reigns and His work will still go on. Even though sometimes I feel like the tasks on my to-do list determine my success as a mother, professional, and wife... God doesn't see it that way. He can use me, regardless of how much I get done. 

  • The trials and tests that we are given are meant to make us stronger. He will not give us more than we can handle and He has a good and perfect plan for those that love Him. I have been so blessed. So, so blessed. God has given Brad and I a strong and steady marriage. He's given me the best family and role models. He's given both of us rewarding careers and He's blessed us with a bouncing, loving baby boy.  Sometimes, I complain about the little things. "Why, God?! Why did you have to let our heater mess up and cost us over $300 to get fixed?" When I stop and think about it, if the only tests that he's throwing my way are a few unexpected bills, then I need a reality check. He has a plan and I need to TRUST. He is SO good. 

  • God WILL provide. The biggest provision in our life as of late has been Godly friends. Every since we moved back to North East Texas, the one thing we've been SO missing is a group of Godly, dedicated, like-minded friends that we can live our life out loud with. God has finally provided this group of friends for us, especially another couple whom we have grown very close to and love very much, The Sheets. God knew exactly when Brad and I needed these friends, and exactly who He was going to send our way. He knows what we need! 
 I could go on and on. Needless to say, God is working on this girl! I'm so thankful and so ready to see where He has us headed with all of this! Stay tuned!


  1. This post made me smile real big! You have encouraged your pastor's heart more than you know.

  2. Love this post, Lisa! So glad to hear how God is blessing you.

  3. You make my heart happy. It has been my desire, since the day you were born, for you to seek God's will for your life. Now to be able to watch as this is happening is such a blessing to me. I am so glad you have a husband to join you on this journey as you seek and follow the plans God has for your life. I know he has good things for you. It is such a joy to observe, as God guides you into the Christian he would have you be. I love you so very much.
