Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday musings...

Nothing groundbreaking or new to report at this time, I just wanted to post so you would know I hadn't abandoned my blog. Tomorrow we're going to Carrollton to buy a new car, and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nostalgic about it. I've driven my current car since sophomore year of college. It's a 2001 Cavalier, and it has served me VERY well for the past four years. It has made so many trips back and forth to Little Rock, Conway... and everywhere else. It has been a good car! Most of all, I paid it off with my very own money, and it feels good to own something for myself! None-the-less, the baby cannot be toted around in a 2001 Cavalier, and my car isn't the most reliable... so, it's time for something NEW.

I'm not sure if I told you all this, but the sonogram showed that we THINK we're having a boy. I say THINK becausethe x-ray tech couldn't tell exactly, but the general concesus was boy...so that's what I'm going with for now. I'm not going to lie, I wanted a girl, but the main thing is that the baby is healthy and that's all that matters. I cannot wait for September!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. I just realize that this post should actually be titled "Tuesday musings". I feel dumb. BUT, I think this is an accurate representation of the "baby brain" that I've been experiencing lately... so I'm going to leave it. =)
